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  • rideauriverallea

Teaching dogs to swim

Puppies don't know how to swim, and some adult dogs may know how, but may not be very good at it! An example - Bulldogs. They can not swim with out some kind of help!

Here are some helpful idea's on how to teach your puppy and/or dog to swim!

Start off in a shallow area.

A good idea is to use a floatation vest.

Attach a leash to your dog and walk slowly into the water to get them used to the feeling of their feet being wet.

Use toys or treats to get them further into the water.

The whole time you are in the water use a postive tone and praise them continueously.

Slowly work your way out so that they need to start paddling to keep afloat. Use your arm on their belly as support.

Dogs need to be able to use a ll 4 legs to paddle/stay afloat or they will tire easily. Kepp your arm under them for support until they are relaxed and using all 4 four legs.

If they panick at any point of the swim, just return to the shallow end and try again when they have calmed down.

Don't forget to show them the proper way to get out of the water especially if using a pool or boat. This way they will know how to get out the next time they need to do it alone.

At the end of a swim rinse them off with fresh water.


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